Rockstar Media owns and operates Dating Rockstars.
We are a consulting firm specializing in cutting-edge seduction, attraction, and emotional release techniques for divorced men over 40.
As you know, the dating industry does not adequately support men over 40 who have gone through a traumatic divorce.
We are in the process of launching a new product that will change that…
It’s called Backstage Pass by Dating Rockstars and it will revolutionize the dating industry.
It’s a state-of-the-art membership site that helps older men release the pain of divorce in minutes (not months) and start dating again with ZERO chance of rejection… No matter their age, looks, or income.
We are looking for a few business partners to help with the next phase of our launch.
As a partner, you will receive a commission of $50 to $500 per client. Commissions are paid weekly.
We have a marketing plan in place that will allow us to generate 400 new clients a month within 90 days.
$50 X 400 = $20,000 Monthly ($5,000 Weekly)
$500 X 400 = $200,000 Monthly ($50,000 Weekly)
You will not be responsible for making sales. In fact, you will not even need to communicate with prospects or clients.
A dedicated team of advertising professionals and experienced phone closers will handle all marketing and sales.
You will own a piece of the company but you will not do any “work” and you will not have any day-to-day responsibilities.
You only have two obligations:
(1) Make a small one-time investment.
(2) We have a board of directors meeting once a week. The meetings are recorded and posted on an owners-only website.
To stay informed, you can listen to the recordings and correspond with other owners, but this is totally optional.
Please take a moment to review the details below.
STAGE System
The membership site is built around a comprehensive dating course called the “Take The STAGE Seduction System”.
STAGE is an acronym:
S is for Set It Down
Divorced men get Release Techniques that allow them to let go of the energy behind negative emotions so they can get past their breakup and feel better fast.
Release Techniques permanently eliminate negative emotions so they no longer experience fear, anxiety, worry, hate, anger, jealousy, sadness, or any other negative emotion.
T is for Take 5
Guys discover a simple yet powerful way to amplify their positive emotions so they can live in a constant state of peace, confidence, and joy.
A is for Attract
So women express interest first… eliminating any chance of rejection.
G is for Game
Men learn how to flirt and banter using wit and humor so they can start captivating conversations that will have women hanging on every word.
E is for Escalate
Clients get a Date Plan so they’re prepared to ask women out at a moment’s notice.
The STAGE System has already helped hundreds of men release the pain of divorce and fill their date calendars.
Here’s the story behind the creation of STAGE in the words of our founder:
This isn’t something I just made up one day and hoped would work.
It took more than a DECADE of research and testing to perfect.
After my divorce over 10 years ago, I found myself back in the dating world after 12 years of marriage.
My divorce was brutal.
My wife cheated on me and basically left me for another guy.
I felt betrayed, broken, hurt, and resentful. I had low self-esteem. I wanted my confidence back.
I wanted to have that feeling of being desired by women.
I’d see girls I wanted to meet. But I had to be 15 to 20 years their senior and I didn’t want to come off like “the old creepy guy” and get rejected.
I missed COUNTLESS opportunities to meet beautiful women.
I was out of the dating scene for so long, I had no idea what to say or do to be successful with women… and it showed.
To be honest, I was too intimidated to approach beautiful women.
When I did muster up enough courage to start a conversation, I ended up looking like a jackass.
I’d get responses like, “I have a boyfriend”, “I’m not interested”, or “I have to go because [insert BS reason here]”.
I pretended like it didn’t bother me. But the truth is, rejection hurts.
After another soul-crushing rejection while bar hopping with a friend, something in me just snapped.
I realized if I didn’t make a change I was going to spend the rest of my life alone.
So I started learning everything I could about dating, relationships, and life improvement.
Now, over 10 years later, every time I leave the house, at least one woman will either come up to me and start a conversation or give me a strong I.O.I. (indicator of interest) letting me know she wants me to approach her.
By the way, I’m in my 50’s, and these ladies are typically in their 20’s and early 30’s.
To date, I have consumed over ONE THOUSAND books, seminars, workshops, boot camps, videos, courses, and webinars on all aspects of dating and relationships.
On top of that, I’ve been coached by some of the leading minds in personal development.
I’ve been a Life Coach, a Dating Coach for Women, an Executive Matchmaker, a Men’s Dating Coach, and now I’m an Attraction Consultant, founder of Rockstar Media, and the creator of Dating Rockstars.
I’ve had the good fortune to work with clients from all walks of life.
From pro athletes, TV personalities, CEOs, movie producers, authors, and radio hosts…
To school teachers, business people, medical professionals, blue-collar workers, you name it.
I have personally tested every dating strategy you care to name.
Most (about 92%) didn’t work. The other 8% that did work resulted in the creation of STAGE.
The STAGE Seduction System does NOT objectify, degrade, or manipulate women.
Men who complete STAGE training learn how to use emotional release techniques.
Consequently, they no longer experience worry, hate, anger, fear, jealousy, or any other negative emotion.
Additionally, they learn mindfulness techniques that create inner bliss.
STAGE practitioners are happy, peaceful, considerate, humble, patient, understanding, kind, loving, confident, and compassionate.
In short, they become the best version of themselves.
Therefore, it would be difficult if not impossible for a person to complete STAGE training and then objectify, degrade, or manipulate anyone.
The intent of STAGE is to revolutionize the dating industry by showing people how to make loving-kindness a way of life.
As far as “age-appropriate” dating is concerned, it’s not our place to dictate or judge the love interests of consenting adults.
Clients decide for themselves the women (and age) that’s most appropriate for them.
Dating Rockstar
As I’m sure you noticed, we have a Rockstar theme.
The goal of every new Backstage Pass member is to reach “Dating Rockstar” status.
To become a Dating Rockstar guys need to:
(1) Get a Backstage Pass (i.e. join the membership site)
(2) Get on STAGE (The only way on stage is to master the “Take The STAGE Seduction System”. They’ll need to pass an exam to prove mastery.)
(3) Perform (i.e. put what they’ve learned into practice.)
This 3 step onboarding process will motivate members to complete the STAGE course and use what they’ve learned in the real world so they get results.
Membership Levels
Spectator: Purchased a Backstage Pass membership
Roadie: Completed the Spectator Questionnaire (This is a questionnaire given to new members so we can uncover all the reasons they buy. This information will be used to make our ad campaigns more effective.)
Band Member: Completed the STAGE course
Dating Rockstar: Completed a Dating Rockstar audition
Achieving the following levels will give members access to bonuses, exclusive events, and advanced training:
Gold Record Holder: 2,000 to 3,999 Record Sales
Platinum Record Holder: 4,000 to 5,999 Record Sales
Double Platinum Record Holder: 6,000 to 7,999 Record Sales
Diamond Record Holder: 8,000 to 9,999 Record Sales
Double Diamond Record Holder (aka Double D): 10,000+ Record Sales
Hall Of Fame: Greatest members of all time, outstanding achievements
Retired: Found Mrs. Right
Record Sales
The member site has a point system like the karma score on Reddit.
When members interact with the site they get points called Record Sales that elevate their status in the community and allow them to reach higher levels of membership.
They can also get Record Sales by referring new members, providing testimonials, posting on social media about the community, and submitting infield videos of them successfully picking up women.
Of course, members will also receive public recognition for reaching each new level.
The community has its own terminology. Here are a few examples:
Stage Name: A member’s username or community nickname
Record Sales: Community points
Rehearse/Rehearsal: Practice or study member training materials
Band Practice: Member meetings (example: weekly Q&A meetings)
Gig: A date
Fan Base: A group of friends (male and/or female)
Record Label: The company (Rockstar Media)
Record Label Executive (Label Exec): A Rockstar Media owner
Backstage Pass
It’s a 6-month membership.
Each week for the first 11 weeks members get a new lesson with the training needed to become a Dating Rockstar.
Each lesson comes with audio, video, and written training along with action steps to make sure they get results.
They have a Weekly Q&A Meeting to get their questions answered.
Members also get:
- An online members community so they can network with other members and share success stories
- Infield videos so they can see other members approach women in the field
- Fun contests, and
- Live events
The online community is the membership website.
It has an activity stream like Facebook where members can post videos, images, quotes, status, and see what’s going on in the community.
They can also Like and Comment on activity stream content.
They can create public and private Groups.
They can:
- Message other members
- Send and receive Friend Requests
- Network, and
- Make Business Connections
They can publish Posts just like Reddit.
They can:
- Share videos, images, and articles
- Start a discussion
- Get advice
- Vent
- Ask questions, and
- Share their success
They can:
- Upvote & downvote posts
- Comment on posts, and
- Upvote & downvote post comments
And of course, they can personalize their profile with an image.
We will employ the following marketing strategies:
Media Buys (will allow us to target 25 million prospects every month by placing ads on the most popular dating sites and apps)
YouTube Advertising (marketing strategy designed by Ad Outreach, #1 authority for attracting clients through YouTube ads & video marketing, 87th fastest growing company in America, featured in the INC 5000)
Online Workshops (scripted by Russell Brunson, the world record holder for selling $3.2 Million in products in just 90 minutes)
A Team Of Experienced Phone Closers (trained and certified by Dan Henry, founder of multiple million-dollar companies that specialize in getting clients and closing deals by phone)
Affiliate Program (current members will be compensated for referring new members)
Extensive Optimization To Increase Conversions (split testing, Google AI, surveys to learn why prospects buy and don’t buy)
The combination of all these strategies will allow us to continually reduce costs, increase profits, and improve customer experience.
Advertisements target the following demographic:
- Divorced men over 40
- In the US
- With a household income in the top 20% of wage earners
- Who are currently looking for a dating solution
This level of targeting allows us to present proven offers to people who want, need, and can afford the membership.
Thus far, we have tested 12 sales funnels through YouTube advertising and have 2 winners.
Now we know:
- What video introductions capture the attention of our target demographic
- What ad topics drive workshop registrations, and
- What landing page format has the highest workshop registration rate
This is a new product so we still need to:
(1) Conduct the online workshops
(2) Discover why workshop registrants do/don’t attend
(3) Uncover the reason workshop participants do/don’t buy
After 30 days of testing and surveying, we’ll have the information needed to reach our first goal of 200 new members monthly and scale to 400+ new members monthly (100+ per week).
That’s where you come in…
Why We Need You
Rockstar Media is a new company with:
- A 6-person board of directors (with marketing, sales, and date consulting experience)
- A brand new state-of-the-art membership site (conservatively valued at $50,000)
- 8 premium domain names (including DatingRockstars.com and DatingRockstar.com)
- A revolutionary dating course (the STAGE System)
- An under-serviced niche in the dating industry (divorced men over 40), and
- A $5,000 monthly advertising budget
Here’s why we need you…
We intend to use media buys to collect the data we need faster so we can reach our goal of 200 monthly memberships within 60 days and scale to 400+ monthly memberships within 90 days.
We are bringing on a few business partners to supplement the costs associated with buying media.
Here’s How It Works
(1) You make a one-time investment of only $10,000 (or $5,000).
(2) We use your one-time investment for advertising.
(3) For every $10,000 invested, you get a $50 commission on each new membership the company receives (or $20 if you only invest $5,000).
(4) Here are the numbers…
$100,000 One-Time Investment
$500 per membership X 400 memberships a month = $200,000 monthly ($50,000 weekly)
Per $10,000 One-Time Investment
$50 per membership X 400 memberships a month = $20,000 monthly ($5,000 weekly)
$5,000 One-Time Investment
$20 per membership X 400 memberships a month = $8,000 monthly ($2,000 weekly)
(5) Commissions are paid weekly.
(6) You receive the commission on EVERY new membership for as long as you’re an owner.
(7) You get paid no matter where the new membership comes from (even if the membership comes from our existing $5,000 monthly ad spend, a member referral, or social media).
(8) You get a one percent ownership interest in Rockstar Media for every $10,000 invested (or one-half percent if you only invest $5,000).
For Example:
- $100,000 one-time gets you a $200,000 monthly income & 10% ownership
- $50,000 one-time gets you a $100,000 monthly income & 5% ownership
- $10,000 one-time gets you a $20,000 monthly income & 1% ownership
- $5,000 one-time gets you an $8,000 monthly income & .5% ownership
(9) You will own a piece of the company but you will not do any “work” and you will not have any day-to-day responsibilities.
(10) We have a board of directors meeting once a week. The meetings will be recorded and posted on an owners-only website. To stay informed, you can listen to the recordings and correspond with other owners, but this is totally optional.
(11) We’ll use the information collected during each ad campaign to increase profits in the next campaign.
(12) You and the company continually increase monthly revenue as a result of our partnership.
What's the catch?
Our goal is to raise $100,000 for advertising.
Partnerships will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. We reserve the right to discontinue this offer at any time, without notice. (Even if the $100,000 capital raise is not complete.)
What If You Don’t Make Any Sales?
With a $100,000 budget, we can purchase four $25,000 media buys.
One media buy will allow us to invite 25 million qualified prospects (see Targeting above) to a free, 60-minute, online workshop.
It’s a live event where they’ll discover:
- How to heal the pain of divorce in seconds and minutes instead of months and years so they can get past their breakup and feel better fast.
- How to live in a constant state of peace, confidence, and joy.
- How to initiate a conversation that flows naturally so talking to women becomes effortless... like talking to their best friend.
- How to use a simple “framework” to start a fun conversation and never run out of interesting things to say.
- How to use wit and humor to spark a romantic connection.
- How to avoid a common mistake that repels women and causes them to lose interest from the very beginning. (Most likely they’re not even aware they’re doing it.)
- How to fill their date calendar even if they’re busy.
- How to avoid ANY chance of rejection by attracting women so they make the first move.
All these topics and more will be covered during the free, 60-minute, online workshop as we explain “what” to do.
To learn “how” to do it they’ll need to make a one-time investment of $4,995 for a 6-month Backstage Pass.
Here’s what a month-long $25,000 media buy looks like using conservative numbers:
We get 1,000 impressions per $1
– We’ll buy traffic inventory that remains unsold right before it is about to be used and thus buy it at a discount. This is called remnant traffic.
25 million total impressions
– $25,000 X 1,000 impressions = 25,000,000 impressions
1% of the men who see our ads click for more information
– 1% CTR (click through rate)
– We’ll split-test and optimize our ads to reach a CTR of 1% or higher.
250,000 men visit the registration page
– 25 million impressions X 1% CTR = 250,000 registration page visitors
20% of the registration page visitors sign up for the workshop -> 50,000 workshop registrants
– 250,000 registration page visitors X 20% registration rate = 50,000 workshop registrants
– We’ll use exit popups to ask why people leave without registering. This information will be used to increase the registration rate.
20% of workshop registrants attend -> 10,000 workshop attendees
– 50,000 workshop registrants X 20% attendance rate = 10,000 workshop attendees
– We’ll survey workshop registrants to uncover the reasons they do/don’t attend. This information will be used to increase the attendance rate.
4% buy a Backstage Pass from the workshop -> 400 new memberships
– 10,000 workshop attendees X 4% buy rate = 400 new memberships
– We’ll survey workshop attendees to uncover the reasons they do/don’t buy. This information will be used to increase the buy rate.
You make $20,000 monthly (5,000 weekly) for every $10,000 invested
– $50 per membership X 400 memberships a month = $20,000 monthly
The free workshop is only the beginning of the sales process...
If they get through the workshop without purchasing, they’ll go to our sales team where an experienced closer will sell the membership by phone.
Plus, every week of a month-long media buy will give us valuable intel so we can increase sales the next week.
As you can see, the risk of not making sales is minimal but the reward could be millions.
Once our new partners are identified, we’ll submit an Amended Articles of Organization to add you as a new owner.
You’ll receive a copy of the amended company documents for your records.
Exit Strategy
To exit, you can cash out upon the sale of the company or sell your stake to an existing owner, partner, or investor.
Due Diligence
To assist with your due diligence:
(1) Search for Rockstar Media Llc here: Nevada Business Listing
(2) Visit the company website here: DatingRockstars.com
(3) Pray on it, ask your Pastor, your Rabbi, your Swami, whatever you need to do.
(4) Then if it feels right, move forward. If not, that’s fine too.
Once your due diligence is complete, here’s what to do next…
Submit the form below and we’ll contact you to schedule a conference call.
After the call, if it feels like a good fit to both of us, we’ll take the next step.
By the way, if you have good credit 0% financing is available for your buy-in.